Pro-Condom Campaign Takes Image of the Mother of Jesus Hostage and Symbolically Drowns Her

Country: Germany

Date of incident: December 5, 2011

"Jugend gegen AIDS" (Youth against AIDS), a Hamburg based youth organization, launched a campaign in support of the use of condoms and against Catholic policy targeting Mary, the mother of Jesus. In a video, a statute of Mary is taken hostage and placed in glass tank. A pipe is connected to the Virgin´s eye, and every time a Facebook user "likes" the campaign web site on the social media, a drop of water falls from Her eye, and increases the level of the water in the tank where the Virgin has been placed.

The campaign was designed by Stefan Strumbel, a German national. The leaders, for example Frederic Rupprecht and Fridtjof Vieth, of "Jugend gegen AIDS" said that the goal of the campaign is to see "how the water reaches the Virgin Mary´s neck" and that "only the Catholic Church can stop the Virgin to be drowned" by changing its policy towards the use of condoms. "Increase the pressure on the Catholic Church by increasing the water level", claims the advertisement.
