Personal Experiences of Marginalisation with Regard to Hiring Venues

Country: United Kingdom

Date of incident: May 28, 2010

Evangelical Premier Media conducted a survey called "Freedom of the Cross Consultations" in May 2010. 12 % of the respondants answered that they had experienced discrimination personally, another 10% that they knew someone who had. Read here some quotes with regard to hiring venues.

“Our local civic centre stopped having Christian meetings after they got a license for civil weddings- stating that they weren’t allowed to under the terms of the license. (We think they just made a mistake).” “Christian activities and presentations are not allowed in community centres, yet tarot card readings are allowed.” “We were stopped from praying at the registry office at a wedding. We have been refused an open-air meeting in the local park, something that we had been previously able to do.” Source and full report: