Statue of the Virgin Marie Beheaded in La-Roche-Sur-Yon

Country: France

Date of incident: April 24, 2011

On the night of Sunday, April 24th, around 3:00 am, the statue of the Virgin Mary located behind the church of the Sacred Heart of La Roche-sur-Yon has been beheaded and then thrown on the ground. It’s head was transported to the other side of the park.

«One can only be saddened by this act of vandalism. We do not know who the perpetrators are or what are their motives, but we deplore such useless determination. We know the devotion of the residents to this statue of the Virgin Marie, we pray with them and join their grief» says the bishop of Luzon, Mgr Castet. The prefet of Vendée visited the site and denounced the lack of respect towards  Christians and their religion. He add: «This coward act is all the more chocking as it takes place at the beginning of the Holy Week, the most symbolic and important time for Christians.» Sources: