Theft and Tabernacle Desecrated in Quimper

Country: France

Date of incident: March 18, 2010

The church of Sainte Clair of Quimper was burglarized on the night of Thursday, March 18th, 2010. The tabernacle was also desecrated. Burglars broke into the church; all the furniture were forced-open, the liturgical cloths thrown to the ground and every room was carefully searched including the bell tower. But in the end, visitors left with only a CD player and a microphone.

Father Jaouen Pierre, the parish priest, deplores especially that the vandals desecrated the tabernacle: The door of the tabernacle was fractured open and the holy communion hosts were thrown to the ground. An intolerable act for the priest: "I'm torn. Theft, I can understand, but they insulted our place of prayer. Such outrageous behavior towards a place of worship is not acceptable. They desecrated the most crucial place of the church, its most holy site. It's really sad, it's a shame for our parish."
