In Angers at the Festival Accroche-Coeur the Church is Mocked and the Population is Scandalized

Country: France

Date of incident: September 13, 2009

On September 11th, 12th and 13th was set in the French town of Angers the 11th annual Festival of the Accroche-Coeur. Its theme was “Angels and Demons”, a theme which led to half-naked angels and demons parades, erotic shows and short plays imitating and fooling a Catholic Mass. The Christian Democratic Party said he was “deeply shocked” by the erotic displays; the mayor himself, Jean-Claude Antonini left the show without giving his final speech.

The bishop of Angers, Mgr Delmas, also denounced the fact that the “sacrament of the Eucharist was ridiculed.” In a press released he said: “The celebration of Mass is the heart of our religious practice. In the consecrated bread and wine, faithful Catholics believe in the real presence of Christ. The public mocking of our faith during the festival, in various area of the city, including the cathedral’s square, tramples the right to the respect of religions... On behalf of the Catholic Diocese of Angers, I want to express to all how much this caricature was perceived as offensive by the faithful who had to endure the sight of it.” Sources: