Burglars Steal Chalices of Great Sentimental Value in Emmerich

Country: Germany

Date of incident: October 2, 2022

The Holy Spirit Church in Emmerich was targeted by burglars around the 2nd of October. According to the report, they stole chalices that have a low material value but were very important to the parish community. Burglars broke into the sacristy of the Church and opened the safe, from which they took one chalice that belonged to a Pastor who had passed away, Ps Lambert, and three other chalices from 1960s. There is no trace of the perpetrators.

Holy Spirit Church

The pastoral unit of St. Christophorus explained that the chalices, each with its own design, have great significance for the special church building of Holy Spirit and represent an important testimony to the art of that time.

According to the newspaper, there has been a high number of property damages to churches and chapels in Emmerich in the last months. They see it as a sign that the reverence for the sacred is dwindling.

The Fatima Chapel was massively damaged by vandals in spring. The same church has also suffered several burglaries and thefts.

The pastoral unit has appealed to the citizens of Emmerich: "Please visit our churches and chapels, which are open during the day, for personal prayer! Please call the police immediately if you notice any damage to property or theft at the churches and chapels."

Source: rp-online.dePresseportalmeinestadt.de

Symbolic Picture: Pixabay