Catholic hospital Chaplain wins Lawsuit After Being Fired for His Religious Statements

In March 2023, Rev. Patrick Pullicino won a legal case, after being dismissed as Chaplain for expressing the traditional teachings of the Church about marriage. This case started in 2019, as Rev. Patrick Pullicino was dismissed as chaplain by the NHS Trust, after answering a question about the Church's teachings on traditional marriage, which was posed by a patient. The patient that pose the question then sent a complaint letter about Rev. Pullicino. Vanessa Ford, the acting chief executive of the South West London and Saint George's Mental Health NHS Trust, answered to the letter by stating that the trust's policy on equality and diversity "takes precedence over religious belief." Rev. Dr Patrick Pullicino, a Catholic chaplain and former professor of neurosciences sued the NHS Trust.
“I was bullied, forced into a corner and told that I had no rights and, therefore, could be thrown out following one complaint,” remembers Rev Pullicino. He also commented that “There does not appear to be a place for Christian teaching or belief in the NHS. In a truly democratic society where all faiths and beliefs are respected, I would not have been treated as I was. I hope my case sends a message to the NHS that true equality and diversity includes Christian teaching and beliefs.” (Times of Malta)
Rev. Patrick Pullicino won a £10,000 settlement from an NHS trust after he was bullied out of his role as a hospital chaplain, when NHS bosses claimed equality and diversity takes precedence over his religious beliefs.
Source and photo: Christian Concern
Other Sources: CNA