Official Seat of Ecumenical Patriarchate Attacked by Grenade

Country: Turkey

Date of incident: October 6, 2006

The official seat of the Ecumenical Patriarchate suffered an attack in Istanbul on October 6th and was damaged by a grenade.

The synod of the Evangelical Church in Germany (EKD), held between November 7th and 12th at Magdeburg, judged the human rights situation in Turkey as "problematic", as reported by 'Il regno-attualità' no. 20-2004. "The situation suffered by Christians and other religions in Turkey has not yet significantly improved. Non-Muslim religious communities as always encounter explicit and unacceptable problems to have their juridical status acknowledged, their rights to ownership and to train people for worship as well as obtaining residence permits." Source: Report on Religious Freedom in the World – Aid to the Church in Need