Mayor tears down memorial cross two days after losing elections

Country: Spain

Date of incident: May 31, 2023

The mayor of Barrado, a town in the province of Caceres, tore down the cross dedicated to the 'fallen' of the Spanish Civil War on May 31, after having lost the municipal elections two days before. The politician, a member of the Spanish Socialist Workers' Party (PSOE), justifies his decision on the 'Democratic Memory Law' but the foundation Abogados Cristianos considers it an attack on Christians and is considering legal action.

Two days after his election defeat, the leaving mayor ordered the destruction of a big concrete cross in the town with a backhoe,  to the surprise of the inhabitants.

Contacted by El Español, the mayor stated that the cross was removed "in compliance with the Law of Democratic Memory," a Law approved in 2022 that allows to take down of monuments and symbols legacy of the Francoist era, as the cross had been built in that era in memory of the dead of the Spanish Civil War. Nonetheless, many Christians have shown disapproval of this act, as they consider it an attack against a religious, not a political symbol. Abogados Cristianos is considering legal action against the leaving city council, as they believe the decision was taken in a hurry without following the legal procedure.

 Source: El Español

Photo: Abogados Cristianos