Church on Isle of Portland, Dorset Set on Fire

Country: United Kingdom

Date of incident: October 2, 2023

Emergency services were called to St. Peter's Church on Portland on the evening of October 2, 2023 due to a fire in the church. Police have said a local youth is assisting them with enquiries about how the fire began. The fire at the historic site, which is more than 150 years old, is believed to be deliberate. According to the police, security measures will be needed to prevent this kind of anti-social behaviour.

UPDATE: The teenager, aged 17, who cannot be named for legal reasons, appeared before Weymouth Youth Court on Wednesday, January 24 and pleaded guilty to a charge of arson.The defendant's father was ordered to pay a victim surcharge of £26 and £85 in court costs.

sources: Dorset EchoYahoo News

picture: Wiki Commons