Catholic Schools Singled Out and Targeted for Distributing Faith-Based Moral Literature

Country: United Kingdom

Date of incident: February 27, 2012

An Christian booklet has been distributed to students in some Catholic schools in Lancashire, UK. Its comments on homosexuality raised the discontent of UK’s largest trades union, who says that the government is allowing “homophobia” to be promoted in religious schools.

At issue is the booklet titled, “Pure Manhood: How to become the man God wants you to be,” by the American chastity speaker Jason Evert. It says that “homosexual attractions” may “stem from an unhealthy relationship” with a man’s father, “an inability to relate to other guys, or even sexual abuse.” Reiterating the Catechism of the Catholic Church, the booklet goes on to say: “The homosexual act is disordered, much like contraceptive sex between heterosexuals. Both acts are directed against God’s natural purpose for sex – babies and bonding.” Brendan Barber, head of the powerful Trades Union Congress, (TUC) has demanded that the Equality Act 2010 be enforced, which prohibits “discrimination” against people based on their “sexual orientation.” Minister Gove responded to the accusation, saying that the provisions of the notorious “Sexual Orientation Regulations” of the Equality Act 2007 do not apply to the curriculum taught in “faith schools.” Gove said the provisions “do not extend to the content of the curriculum. Any materials used in sex and relationship education lessons, therefore, will not be subject to the discrimination provisions of the act.” The response infuriated TUC which said it showed “lack of concern.” Barber said, “Having written to the education secretary to express our worry about the distribution of homophobic literature in faith schools, his lack of concern is very alarming.” A spokesman from the Department of Education was quoted by the Guardian newspaper saying, “Any school engaging in the promotion of homophobic material would be acting unlawfully.” Since its passage, the Equality Act, with its Sexual Orientation Regulations (SORs), has had heavy repercussions on the ability of Christians to live according to the tenets of their beliefs in Britain. In countless cases, homosexualist activists have used the SORs to launch suits and complaints against Christians in a wide range of occupations and there are fears that the letter from TUC is a form of warning to Britain’s Christian schools. Source: LifeSiteNews