ISIS issues global call to kill Jews and Christians

Country: International

Date of incident: January 4, 2024

On Thursday, January 4, the IS militia once again claimed responsibility for the terrorist attack in Kerman, Iran. It also issued a global call to attack Jews and Christians, particularly in Europe and the US. In a recorded message, the spokesperson of ISIS, Abu Huzaifa Al-Ansari, urged extremist Islamists to kill "Christians, Jews and their allies in the streets of Europe, the United States and the world." He also specifically called for targeting churches.


"Barge into their homes and kill them using different methods, including gunfire, bombs, grenades, and knives," he said. He also stressed that the battle "with the Jews today is acutually a war waged against their allies."

Source: Kleine Zeitung; The Messenger

Symbolic image: Unspalsh