Vandalism and Desecration of Eucharist in Church

Country: Italy

Date of incident: January 31, 2024

Thieves broke into the Church of Saint Mary of the Carmine in Lecce and stole money, desecrated the Eucharist kept in the tabernacle, and turned various sacred furnishings into corpses.

Unknown perprators broke into the Church of Saint Mary of the Carmine in Lecce while the survaillances cameras were down, ransacking the church. They broke the glass door of the rector's study taking possession of a small sum of money intended for the needy. They also opened the tabernacle in order to desercrate the Eucharist, then damaged the statue of Mary and then turned various sacred furnishings into corpses.

The police are currently investigating this crime. The Archbishop of the Salento capital asks that the Holy Mass be celebrated throughout the Dicoese and in every church open for worship in reparation for what happened. 

Sources: Senza Colonne News, La Repubblica, Lecce sette, il Fatto Quotidiano, Ansa, Lecce Prima

Image: La Repubblica