Basque Protest Group Interrupts Mass and Vandalises Churches

Members of "Defentsa Komunitatea", a youth section of the Basque independence and nationalist movement, interrupted a mass throwing leaflets and fake money. During the last weeks some churches in Azpeitia and Beasain, as well as churches in Lasao, Arroa and Aizarna, have also been vandalized by members of that same group.
Seven people with their faces hidden behind white masks, dressed in white hoodies, entered the Good Shepard Church in San Sebastián on January 21, while the congregation celebrated mass. They threw fake euro bills at those they passed, positioned themselves in front of the alter and displayed a banner accusing the church of being greedy (“diruzale”) and speculators (“espekulatzaile”).
Futher churches in Azpeitia and Beasain, as well as churches in Lasao, Arroa and Aizarna, have had graffiti on them with the same message of "Defentsa Komunitatea" as well as padlocks on doors and silicone on locks.
The protest and vandalism come after the evicition of members of "Defentsa Komunitatea" from church property. They were found squatting in a building attached to the church in the town of Elizondo. The bishop of the Diocese of Gipuzkoa filed a complatin against the membes of the assmebly having them evicted. This is why the group also demanded the suspension of the judicial process in their protest.
Update: Following disruption of the mass, on February 6, Abogados Cristianos, the Spanish Foundation of Christian Lawyers filed a complaint against the leaders of the Youth Assembly of Zestoa for the possible offences of disruption of worship, profanation, incitement to hatred and unlawful demonstration. This does not rule out the potential crime of coercion.
According to Abogados Cristianos' press release, president Polonia Castellanos said that "no protest can justify these actions that directly attack the fundamental right to religious freedom. We will go all the way to prevent these acts from going unpunished."
Sources: El Diario Vasco, Hispanidad, Abogados Cristianos, La Gaceta, Abogados Cristianos, Naiz, International Family News
Image: Hispanidad