Metropolitan Longin attacked in Bancheny

Country: Ukraine

Date of incident: January 22, 2024

On the night of January 22, 2024, an unknown person attacked the Ukrainian Orthodox Metropolitan Longinus of Bancheny, severely striking the bishop in the face. Metropolitan Longin lost consciousness, and surgery was performed on his eyelids.

According to the Bishop “They knocked on the door 3 times, and when I opened it, I was struck unconscious. <…> I feel good now! Everything remains at the mercy and judgment of God.” The Chernivtsi region police are currently investigating the situation. 

The Metropolitan's Monastery commented about the incident on social media, writing: "This is the price of the purity of the Orthodox faith!"

H. E. Metropolitan Longinus was taken to court by the Ukrainian government for "inciting religious enmity" last year after remaining within the Orthodox church. Due to the pressure resulting from the court case opened against him, he suffered a stroke in July, which resulted in a heart surgery. In November, armed security forces searched his monastery, where hundreds of orphans, which the Metropolitan has adopted, live with him. Furthermore, in early January his house in Bukovina went up in flames. 

Sources: Spzh, Spzh,

Image: Facebook