EU Seemingly Pressured Moldova Into Strong Anti-Discrimination Legislation

Country: European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Date of incident: December 31, 2010

The Council of the European Union proposed a visa liberalisation action plan for Moldova without much room for negotiations about the conditions: in a unilateral document, it was required to accept policies which would potentially infringe on the freedom of conscience or expression as well as that of religious institutions and organisations.

The European Christian Political Movement reported that the European Commission’s proposal for facilitating visa-free travel between the EU and Moldova was inextricably linked to a new law proposed by the Moldovan Ministry of Justice in order to fight against discrimination. This controversial law proposal did not offer sufficient protection regarding the right of freedoms of religion, expression and conscience. Some EU diplomats stated that the acceptance of the law was the only way for the lifting of the visa barriers. The new regulation gives the impression that Moldova is expected to do more than what is required of the EU member states. Moldovan society perceived it as a means of promoting gay rights. Source: Case Study. Freedoms of Religion and Conscience under serious attack in the Republic of Moldova. Leo Van Doesburg and Anca Bulica. ECPM Publication. p. 83-91, Year: 2011, Volume: 19, Issue: 161 (7)