Desecration of church in Reggino

Country: Italy

Date of incident: March 19, 2024

The church of San Giuseppe, in Melito Porto Salvo, in Reggino, was desecrated by unknown individuals. The perpetrators damaged the security cameras, forced entry into the church, stole the consecrated host and scatter the others. Furthermore, a sacred vessel was also taken.

Authorities are investigating the incident, which bears similarities to a recent act of sacrilege in Bovalino Superiore. The Church of Santa Maria ad Nives was vandalised and then re-consecrated in a ceremony presided over by Bishop Francesco Oliva.

Concerns have been raised by Vincenzo Speziali, a member of the UdC, who suggests a possible link to the activities of satanic sects.

Sources: CalabriaDirectNews, Calabria7, La C News, L'observatoire de la christianophobie

Image: CalabriaDirectNews