Vandalism in three churches

Country: Poland

Date of incident: March 19, 2024

On March 19, the church Jana Pawła Street, Konstantynów, was vandalised. The perpetrator kicked a cross, damaged three windows and knocked over tables, pews, and kneelers. The cost of the damage amounts to PLN 5,000.

Two other churches in the area were also found vandalised. 

At a church located on Plac Kościuszki police noticed broken glass and a damaged display window on the church façade. A broken candle was found lying on the floor of the building's porch. A 16-year old altar boy prevented further damage until the police contained the situation. The damage was estimated at PLN 500.

In the meantime, the perpetrator broke three windows at a church located on Cmentarna Street. The resulting damage there was valued at PLN 5,000.

Source: zyciepabianic, Fronda

Image: Wiki Commons