"Never again!" Banner Stolen from Church Fence

Country: Germany

Date of incident: March 30, 2024

In the night from Good Friday to Holy Saturday, unknown perpetrators removed a banner from the fence of St Sebastian's parish and stole it. The campaign slogan: "Never again! - Strong together for democracy and against right-wing extremism!" Investigations are ongoing. 

The Diocese of Limburg has launched a campaign against right-wing extremism. For this purpose, diocese offers banners and other gadgets. "As Christians, we must be vigilant and emphatically reject all forms of extremism and stand up for human dignity, equality, diversity and solidarity," reads the call to action.

Also Bishop Karl-Heinz Wiesemann of Speyer appealed in an article for the church newspaper "der pilger": "Let us stand up for human dignity and democracy, for peace and justice, for solidarity and reconciliation. Through our resolute "No!" to hatred, disunity and violence in the midst of the world, let us allow something of the Easter morning light of Jesus Christ to shine through."

Sources: Taunus NachrichtenBistum LimburgStern

Image: Bistum Limburg