Hermitage in Puente de Génave desecrated

Country: Spain

Date of incident: July 27, 2023

One July 27, the San Juan Bautista hermitage in Peñolite, Puente de Génave, was broken into and desecrated.

The parish priest found the locks of the hermitage forced, some of the windows broken and all the belongings and drawers disarranged. At first he did not notice anything of value missing, but then he found that the ciborium had ben open and the hosts taken out of the tabernacle. According to the local bishop, "an act of profanation can be intuited". The bishop also asked for prayers of atonement in the parishes of the diocese. 

Sources: lacontradejaen.eldiario.es, europapressgentedepaz.es

Image: Diocese of Jaén