A Blasphemous Jesus Caricature Disturbs Religious Feelings of Christians in Kassel

Country: Germany

Date of incident: August 10, 2012

A large publicity poster at the entrance to a cultural center in Kassel shows the caricature of Jesus on the Cross including an offensive caption which caused strong indignation among Christians living in Kassel.

An illustration of Jesus hanging on the Cross was featured on a large-scale poster at the entrance to an exhibition. Above His head was a huge speech-bubble coming from heaven with the caption: “Hey…you know what…I banged your Mum!” The poster was publicity for the “Gallery for funny Art Caricatura”.

According to the report of the local Newspaper “Hessische/ Niedersächsische Allgemeine” a protestant citizen initiated legal proceedings, as the poster constitutes blasphemy.

In response to public protests the poster finally was removed.


Spiegel (http://www.spiegel.de/panorama/gesellschaft/caricatura-in-kassel-kirchen-kritisieren-jesus-karikatur-a-851332.html)

Hessisch/Niedersächsische Allgemeine (http://www.hna.de/nachrichten/stadt-kassel/kassel/karikaturenstreit-kirche-findetbild-verletzend-2463730.html)

Kath.net (http://www.kath.net/detail.php?id=37836)