Minors commit Arson and Vandalism at Church

Country: Italy

Date of incident: May 8, 2024

Wednesday May 8, minors set fire to the Catheral of Casalmaggiore and vandalised it. The boys broke into the nave on the right side of the church where they broke the stoup into pieces and started a fire with candles. They then entered from the opposite side and went into a storeroom where the electrical panel that operates the lift and installations is located. The perpetrators could be identified thanks to surveillance cameras.

The fire did not cause any mayor damage. "It went well, but it could have been a disaster," parish priest Don Arrigo Duranti explained. In the nave where the fire started "there are some parts of wood, which are the remains of the building site under construction to upgrade the dome of the cathedral," the priest said. "Above all, there is the electrical panel that regulates both the worksite lift and the internal lighting system. If the flames had touched the electrical panel, it would have ended very badly, not to mention that parts of the load-bearing walls are also made of wood'. The fire brigade and the police started investigating and a complaint was filed to the police. 

"What has happened is an offence not only against people, Christian feeling and the historical and artistic value that the Duomo represents; it is killing freedom. Yes, the freedom to enter a church, to stop and pray and think; the freedom to enjoy a painting and architecture; the freedom to glimpse Casalmaggiore from afar through the dome of its cathedral," said Don Claudio Rubagotti, parish priest of Casalmaggiore.

Sources: oglioponews.itlaprovinciacr.itoglioponews.it (video)oglioponews.it, Corriere Della Sera, L'observatoire de la Christianophobie

Image: laprovinciacr.it