Vandalism in the church of Sant'Angelo Magno

Country: Italy

Date of incident: May 20, 2024

On May 20, it was discovered that unknown vandals had broken inside the Church of Sant'Angelo Magno and destroyed candelabras, a crucifix, a statue, sacred vestments, and the 17th-century organ.

The Church of Sant'Angelo Magno in Ascoli Piceno has been closed for the past years due to damage caused by the 2016 earthquake and awaiting restoration work that has already been financed. After the earthquake, the church's most important works were removed to be secured at the Malatesta Fortress. However, the damage of the recent vandalism is still huge. "What was left also had an important value, in particular the statue of Paci and the organ that had been restored a few years ago," explains Don Elio Nevigari, the Diocese of Ascoli Piceno's cultural heritage officer.

According to the media, some tombs inside the place of worship were also uncovered, suggesting that more than one person acted. Officers from the Ascoli Police Headquarters have started investigations to identify the perpetrators of the vandalism.


Sources: rivieraoggi.itansa.itL'observatoire de la ChristianophobieCorriere AdriaticoLa Nuova Rivierayou, City rumours

Video/Image: Vera TV (Facebook)