Cross in Lubartów Defaced

Country: Poland

Date of incident: June 8, 2024

On 8th June, a cross on a street in Lubartów with the figure of Jesus was found spray-painted with swastikas. The face of the statue was also smeared with white paint. On a bench nearby, graffiti containing "Slava Ukraine JP" was spray-painted.

To quote Łukasz Żmuda, councilor of the Lubartów commune: "The owner of the chapel is willing to offer a reward for identifying the perpetrator, and as a councilor I will also chip in. People come here to pray and relax. On Saturday around 4 pm. I was driving by and noticed that the chapel was anointed. Someone came with a spray specifically to destroy the shrine. I wouldn't blame the Ukrainians, there's too much of everything, it may be a provocation. The inscription is in our alphabet, not Cyrillic." 

Source: wspolnota lubartowska

Image: wspolnota lubartowska