Vandalism in Bordeaux Church

Country: France

Date of incident: June 10, 2024

Around 10 pm on June 10, the Saint Éloi church in Bordeaux was vandalised during a leftist demonstration. The perpetrators threw down plates and cutlery kept for the winter soup kitchen and spray-painted "Death to nationalists" on the church walls.

The parish priest, Father Grégory Lutz-Wiest recounted: "I was called because the demonstrators were trying to force the door of the church. They managed to gain access to a small room where the items from our winter soup kitchen for the most deprived are kept."

The parish priest also said that the church was targeted because the perpetrators associate Catholics with the extreme right. In his own words, "We are targeted because we are Saint Eloi: we systematically associate Catholics in general and traditionalists in particular with the extreme right, but it must be remembered that the Catholic Church does not give voting instructions unlike the rector of the great Mosque of Paris. It provides moral principles so that everyone can choose with their own soul and conscience."

The parish priest has chosen not to file a complaint because "often it leads to nothing" and he knows the parish was "very supported by the national and municipal police officials, who visited Monday evening and who are already overburdened. In a well-functioning society, there are things that are inviolable and this must be the case with churches because political quarrels do not involve the sacred."


Sources: Le Salon Beige, Le Figaro

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