Fire in Dublin Crypt

Country: Ireland

Date of incident: June 12, 2024

As reported on June 12, a man broke into the 11th-century church of St. Michael in Dublin and started a fire in the crypt containing 5 medieval mummies. They were damaged beyond repair. The man is now on trial.

Michael Jackson, archbishop of the Church of Ireland in Dublin said, "I fear the damage will be irreversible. The mummies are very much part of our continuing history at the heart of the old city of Dublin. They’ve been there since the Middle Ages. One of them is felt to be the remains of a crusader, the other, perhaps of a nun, and then there would be one or two others. So they’ve been there for hundreds and hundreds of years. I am shocked that the crypt of St. Michael's has once again been vandalised. These historic remains are woven into the history of Dublin city and are firmly anchored in the imagination of visitors and tourists from home and abroad. These mummies are a national treasure."

"For me it’s traumatic because it’s very much part of the gift that one of the churches in this diocese, a church dating from the 11th century, can offer as part of history to people who come and visit. These are the mortal remains of people who once lived and were buried in that crypt."

He also said that the setting of the fire was a form of desecration.

Sources:, The Journal, Market Screener, The Journal, Zone Bourse,,, ATI, BBC, RTE

Image: Wiki commons


Update: 38 year old Christian Topiter has been charged for setting the fire.

Sources: The JournalGuide Ireland,, Ancient Origins, UCO Digital