Arson attack on Quintin Basilica

Country: France

Date of incident: June 13, 2024

On June 13, there was an arson attack on the Notre-Dame-de-Délivrance Basilica in Quintin. The police have confirmed that the fire was deliberate.

The fire was discovered in the early evening of June 13 by the sacristan, who immediately called the fire brigade. Fortunately, it was quickly controlled by the firefighters. It had started at the wooden entrance airs inside the Basilica of Notre-Dame-de-Délivrance, in Quintin. The police are investigating the case. 

Serge Kougnandé, the parish priest: "The fire specialists showed us that the fire was the result of a voluntary act and that if help had arrived half an hour later, it would have been chaos. The basilica is said to have caught fire."

Nicolas Carro, mayor of Quintin, “condemned this unacceptable act in the strongest possible terms. It is not a fire of electrical origin, that has also been demonstrated. We were lucky, within half an hour it could have been much worse. Attacking such a building, which is both a public good and a cultural place, is lamentable."


Source: Medias Presse Info, Ma ville, Ouest France, Le Salon Beige, L'observatoire de la Christianophobie, Ar Gedour, Breizh-info

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