Arson at Methodist church in Doncaster

Country: United Kingdom

Date of incident: June 26, 2024

As reported on 26th June, 100 year old Rossington Methodist church in Doncaster has been destroyed due to fire. It is believed to be an arson attack. The church was added to the Local Heritage List last year. It has been closed for worship since 2019.

A South Yorkshire Fire and Rescue Service spokesperson explained: "Fire crews from Rossington, Doncaster, Edlington and Parkway stations attended a fire at a derelict church at 2:10am on Nelson Road, New Rossington, Doncaster. The church was well alight. Nearby premises were evacuated as a precaution. There were no reports of any casualties. The fire is believed to have been started deliberately. Crews left the scene at 6:50am." 

Source: Doncaster Free Press

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