Proposed EU Commissionar Faces Opposition for Holding Christian Views

Country: European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

Date of incident: November 13, 2012

A consortium of homosexualist, secular humanist and abortion groups campaigned against the appointment of the Maltese Dr. Tonio Borg as the new EU Health and Consumer Protection Commissioner. The objection, they said, was nothing more than that Dr. Borg was a Catholic, with “staunchly conservative and outdated” views on homosexuality, divorce and abortion. The campaign failed soon thereafter.

A document released by the European Parliament’s Intergroup on "LGBT" (Lesbian, Gay, Bisexual, Transsexual and Intersex-) Rights admitted that a Commissioner’s personal religious beliefs are not “topics of EU competence.” However, they maintained that Borg’s “issues of conscience” would “prevent him from being an impartial commissioner.”
The group said they feared that since “all 27 Commissioners are always consulted before Commission proposals are made public; this would give him considerable influence across EU competences”. They particularly objected to his support for the pro-life NGO Gift of Life, whose mission includes, “making it harder for abortion to ever be legalised in Malta.”
They said: “Dr. Borg is entitled to his own views (religious or not), but using such extreme views to define law and policy, and making it a case of conscience above any questioning, would likely prevent him from being a fair-minded commissioner for public health.” Borg was sworn in as European Commissioner for Health and Consumer Affairs on November 28, 2012. We thank LifeSiteNews for Reporting. Source and further information: Read also: "European Commission Vacancy: No Christians Need Apply" by the Brussels based Advocacy group European Dignity Watch Tonio Borg on Wikipedia: