Green Party Parliamentary Group Seeks to Disestablish Christian Institute for Youth and Society
The Christian community The Reichenberg Fellowship and its German Institute for Youth and Society have become the object of a parliamentary inquiry that the parliamentary group of the Green Party has directed at the state government of the German state of Hessen on October 19.
The German Institute for Youth and Society does research on topics such as homosexuality and offers therapy for people who say they suffer because of their homosexual feelings. The Green Party criticises this as “discrimination against gays and lesbians”. The Minister of Social Affairs answered the complaint with the promise to examine the case. The Reichenberg Fellowship is a Protestant community where young people can spend a Voluntary Social Year. The Green Party speaker for homosexual policies declares he could not imagine that the Protestant church, that the community belongs to, would support institutions of such “crude mentalities”. The Minister of Social Affairs promised to look into the matter and talk to the federal government about minimum standards for providers of the Voluntary Social Year.Source: