Thieves stole baptismal font

Country: Norway

Date of incident: February 14, 2024

Someone has stolen a massive silver baptismal font and various silver cups from St Olav's Church in Modum Bad.

On February 24, Southeastern Police District reported an unusual theft from St Olav's Church, which is associated with Modum Bad in Vikersund.

Over the past 24 hours, someone has stolen the solid silver baptismal font. The words ‘Let the little children come to me’ are engraved on the font. Other silver artefacts were also stolen.

The beautiful silver platter that completes the baptismal font is gone. The staff at St Olav's Church are in despair.

‘We are very sorry about this. These are artefacts that mean a lot to us and this place. Many children have been baptised in this font,’ senior hospital chaplain Idun Strøm Sefland told Nettavisen. The church has received several reactions from people after the theft became known.

Source: nettavisen

Image: Pixabay (symbolic image)