Two arson attacks on church in Jerez

On the night of 25 January, an attempt to set fire to one of the entrances to the church of San Miguel in Jerez was quickly smothered by the local population. However, just a few hours later, on the morning of 26 January, another fire was set at another door, this time requiring the intervention of the fire brigade. The police are now investigating both incidents.
In the second attempt to set fire to the San Miguel church, paper was stuffed into the cracks of the side door to facilitate the spread of the flames, which, according to eyewitnesses, caused a great deal of smoke inside the church. Fortunately, the quick intervention of the firefighters limited the damage to the door.
The local mayor, María José García-Pelayo, has already condemned the fire, which she believes was deliberately set. "The church of San Miguel is a jewel, so it is very unfortunate that this fire has occurred, which seems to have affected only the doors and the entrance to the church," she says.
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