Evangelicals Defamed by Government Agency
The governmental agency ‘Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung’ (Federal Central Unit of Political Education) defames evangelicals as hostile to constitution.
The president of the Bundeszentrale für politische Bildung (Federal Central Unit of Political Education) Thomas Krüger equals islamic and evangelical groups in a letter to teachers and students saying that they would both challenge important rights of freedom. In the same letter, he advertizes his student magazine Q-Rage (circulation one million) which claims that the participants of the ‘Christival’ had made the streets of Bremen “insecure” (www.christianophobia.eu reported on the Christival). It also says that evangelicals would hold “ultra conservative positions hostile to the (German) constitution” (“erkonservative, zum Teil verfassungsfeindliche Ideologien”). After severe protests, Mr. Krüger apologized half-heartedly. Subsequent talks with evangelical leaders seemed to have ended in reconciliation. For more information in German please view: http://www.idea.de/index.php?id=181&tx_ttnews[tt_news]=71292&cHash=4ed3683af9