Judge Suspended and Fined for Delaying Adoption in a case of Homosexual Parents

Country: Spain

Date of incident: October 30, 2009

Judge Fernando Calamita sentenced to 10 years of occupational ban and fined for delaying the adoption of a little girl by the lesbian partner of her mother as a form of conscientious objection.

On Oct. 30, 2009, Fernando Calamita has been sentenced to 10 years of occupational ban in the public service, twelve-month fine, and payment of € 6,000 in favor of the plaintiff, for delaying the adoption of a little girl in a case that involved the lesbian partner of the child´s biological mother. Judge Calamita had requested additional information because of the special conditions of the adoption as a measure to protect the physical and psychologic well-being of the girl. The judges understood that the delay was intentional, unjustified, and motivated by the judge´s „homophobic“ views. Judge Fernando Ferrín Calamita, 51, a practicing Catholic and father of seven children had been family law judge in Murcia, Spain, for ten years. 19 April 2013 the Lesbian couple is now divorced and the child was assigned to her biological mother. Sources: http://www.abc.es/20091223/nacional-tribunales/supremo-eleva-hasta-anos-200912231213.html http://www.lexnova.es/Pub_ln/Juris_Gaceta/mas_juris/STSJMurcia231208.htm http://www.icasbd.org/pdf_revista/arxius_externs/UI108/eu_108_sentencia_01.pdf