Observatory in the News: Headlines & Links

Posted on: July 28, 2020

Country: International

Anti-Christian hate crimes in Germany increased nearly by 150% in 2020, Daily Mail, Jack Newman, 10 December 2021

New Report Finds Freedom of Conscience Under Threat in France, Spain, and Sweden, Courtney Mares, National Catholic Register, 7 December 2021

Hate Crimes Against Christians on the Rise in Europe, Andreas Thonhauser, EWTN Vatican Youtube Channel, 24.11.2021

Zahl dokumentierter Hassverbrechen gegen Christen massiv gestiegen, Press Release quotes Madeleine Enzlberger, KathPress, 16 November 2021

Hassverbrechen gegen Christen und Juden stark gestiegen, Press Release quotes Madeleine Enzlberger, ORF, 16 November 2021

The Nantes Cathedral fire is a symptom of a growing problem across Europe, Kresta in the Afternoon interview with Ellen Fantini, Ave Maria Radio, 29 July 2020

Anti-Christian incidents in France rose 285% since 2008: Observatory, Sam Smith, Christian Post, 29 July 2020

‘We must pray for their conversion’: Young French Catholics respond to wave of desecrations, Luke Coppen, Catholic News Agency, 28 July 2020

The Nantes Cathedral fire is a symptom of a growing problem across Europe, Ellen Fantini, Catholic World Report, 23 July 2020

Das christliche Erbe ist in Gefahr, Ellen Fantini, Die Tagespost, 23 July 2020

Anschläge auf Kirchen in Europa nehmen zu, Wolfram Weimer, GMX, The European, and Web.de, 23 July 2020

'Will they stop at burning an empty church?’: Anti-Christian attacks rise in Europe, Luke Coppen, Catholic News Agency, 22 July 2020

Europe’s Burning Churches, Father Benedict Kiely, Daily Caller, 20 July 2020

Komisja Europejska likwiduje urząd promujący wolność religijną
, Wiara, 18 June 2020

Libertà religiosa: termina il mandato dell’inviato speciale Ue Jan Figel, la Commissione per ora non lo rinnova, SIR Servizio Informazione Religiosa, 18 June 2020

Two cases show that religious freedom is dwindling in Europe, Andrea Gagliarducci, Catholic News Agency, 2 June 2020

Migrants in Europe who convert to Christianity do so ‘in secret’ due to persecution: researcher, Interview with Jonathan Van Maren/Life Site News, 3 April 2020

Európai keresztényellenesség: 350 eset a vandalizmustól a gyerekek elvételéig, Szilvay Gergely, Mandiner, 28 January 2020

Anti-katolsk hærværk i Frankrig er tegn på voksende religionsfjendtlighed i Europa, Birthe Pedersen, Kristeligt Dagblad, 24 January 2020

Fokozódott a keresztényellenesség Európában 2018-ban, Mandiner, 18 December 2019

Intolerance and Discrimination against Christians
, Fr. Joe Borg, Time of Malta, 5 December 2019

Norvège: un prédicateur agressé par 4 musulmans, Isabelle Goepp, Journal Chretien, 4 December 2019

4 Muslim Men Kidnap, Beat and Rob Christian Preacher in Norway, Steve Warren, CBN News, 3 December 2019

La persecución a los cristianos llega a Europa: Suecia niega asilo al 68% de los afganos convertidos del islam, José Ángel Gutiérrez, Hispanidad, 1 December 2019

Viktor Orbán: Christenverfolgung ist »organisierter Angriff auf eine ganze Kultur«, Die Freie Welt, 29 November 2019

Bericht: Zunahme von Angriffen, Anfeindungen und Intoleranz gegen Christen in Europa, Stefan Frank, Audiatur, 26 November 2019

Konec miru za kristjane v Evropi: vse več netolerance, diskriminacije in skrunitev, Domovina, 24 November 2019

Diskriminierung von Christen und Hassverbrechen nehmen europaweit zu, Kath.net, 22 November 2019

French Public Retirement Home Rejects Catholic Nun For Wearing A Habit, Paul Bois, Daily Wire, 22 November 2019

French public retirement home rejects nun because she wears religious habit, Martin Barillas, Life Site News, 21 November 2019

Europa: cresce l’intolleranza anticristiana, Settimana News, 21 November 2019

Les persécutions envers les chrétiens augmentent en Europe, Aloys Evina, Chretiens.info, 21 November 2019

Rise in attacks on churches, Christian symbols and cemeteries across Europe, group says, John Burger, Aleteia, 20 November 2019

Kommentar: Christen im Fadenkreuz, Marco Gallina, Die Tagespost, 20 November 2019

Hostility towards Christians on the rise in Europe, report claims, Christian Today, 20 November 2019

Christen in Europa immer stärker diskriminiert, Die Tagespost, 19 November 2019

Les chrétiens de plus en plus discriminés en Europe, Metro Belgique, 19 November 2019

Christenen worden almaar vaker geviseerd in Europa, Kerknet, 19 November 2019

Radio interview, Premier Christian Radio News, 19 November 2019

Intolerance towards Christians increases in Europe, claims report, Cara Bentley, Premier Christian News, 19 November 2019

Vienna Observatory denounces Europe-wide increase in “hostilities” towards Christians, Novena News, 19 November 2019

Neuer Bericht: Diskriminierung von Christen und Hassverbrechen nehmen europaweit zu, CNA Deutsch, 18 November 2019

Beobachtungsstelle: Diskriminierung von Christen in Europa steigt, Katholisch, 18 November 2019

Church attacks increase in France, United Kingdom, and Germany, Virpi Kurvinen, Evangelical Focus, 27 September 2019

Dezenas de igrejas alemãs atacadas e incendiadas em dois meses, Ângela Roque, Renascença, 26 June 2019

Reportan 30 ataques contra iglesias de Alemania en solo un mes, ACI Prensa, 15 June 2019

Sekretny chrzest i tajne katechezy. Jak muzułmanie w Europie przechodzą na chrześcijaństwo, Ewa Rejman, Aleteia Poland, 11 June 2019

Vienna-based group logs attacks against European Christian churches, Simon Caldwell, Crux, 14 May 2019

French Churches Under Attack, But Media and Politicians Remain Apathetic, Jeffrey Cimmino, Washington Free Beacon, 9 May 2019

Christenverfolgung in Zeiten der Selbstverachtung, Giuseppe Gracia, Achgut.com, 7 May 2019

France’s Other Burning Churches, Nina Shea, National Catholic Register, 2 May 2019

The World Over with Raymond Arroyo, interview with Nina Shea, EWTN, 2 May 2019

Höfliche Verfolgung, Giuseppe Gracia, Die Weltwoche, 29 April 2019

French Government, Media Largely Silent about Rising Church Vandalism, Christian Watchdog Director Says, Jon Brown, Daily Caller, 23 April 2019

Churches Desecrated in Ongoing Attacks Across Europe, Christian Ellis, CBN News, 16 April 2019

Notre-Dame is a sign of the times, Dominic Green, Spectator USA, 16 April 2019

How did the Notre Dame Cathedral blaze start? Frank Chung, The Daily Telegraph (Australia), 16 April 2019 

Vandals, arsonists target French Catholic churches Simon Caldwell, Crux, 28 March 2019 

Catholic Churches are Being Desecrated Across France—And Officials Don’t Know Why Brendan Cole, Newsweek, 21 March 2019

Vandals target French Catholic churches in series of attacks John Burger, Aleteia, 12 March 2019

Anti-Catholic climate worsens in France Jonathan Luxmoore, The Tablet, 11 March 2019

Eucharist desecrated, statues smashed in series of French church attacks Mario Schiavone, Newsbook, 20 February 2019

Religious rights group deplores ‘anti-Christian hostility’ in France, The Catholic Universe, 18 February 2019

Report warns of 'increasing anti-Christian hostility' in France, Christian Today, 17 February 2019

In Frankreich häufen sich Angriffe auf Gotteshäuser Alexander Brüggemann, Saarbrücker Zeitung, 17 February 2019

Wave of Vandalism Strikes French Churches, 9 Desecrated in 11 Days David Vives, NTD, 17 February 2019

Religious rights group deplores 'anti-Christian hostility' in France Jonathan Luxmoore, Crux, 16 February 2019

String of attacks on French churches includes desecration of Eucharist John Burger, Aleteia, 16 February 2019

Angriffserie auf Kirchen in Frankreich, CNA Deutsch, 15 February 2019

Eucharist desecrated, statues smashed in series of French church attacks, Catholic News Agency/Catholic Herald, 15 Feburary 2019

Vandalismus und Kirchenschändungen in Frankreich Erreichen Schockierendes Ausmass, Glaube.at, 14 February 2019

Frankreich: Kirchen von Vandalismus betroffen, Idea, 13 February 2019

Religious hate crimes surge by 40 per cent in 12 months Marcus Jones, Premier, 16 October 2018