All cases

Insults Tagged on Catholic Monument in Valladolid

December 9, 2022, Spain

On the night of the 9. December, unknown perpetrators spray-painted insults on the Monument to the Brotherhood of Valladolid in the city of Valladolid. The vandals painted the word "paedophile" on the statue of the brother and "little slut" on the statue of the girl. The monument represents the tradition of the Valladolid Holy Week. The incident has been reported by the police and the cleaning service has been notified. The police is looking for witnesses to identify the perpetrators.

Man Arrested After Physically Attacking Priest

December 8, 2022, Spain

A 60-year-old man has been arrested by the police in Medina Sidonia for allegedly assaulting a priest in the church of San Juan de Dios on Thursday 8th of December. According to witnesses, the man attacked the priest with several punches before a funeral was going to take place. He caused him a series of injuries for which the priest had to be treated later at a hospital. The incident occurred at around 16.30 hours. The priest, Fr. Stuart James Chipolina was preparing to officiate at a funeral in the church when, after an argument with the local, the latter punched the priest several times.

Pro-terrorist Graffiti at Church's Door in Sevilla

December 6, 2022, Spain

A tag with the words "Gora ET(A)" appeared at the door of San Marcos' parish in Sevilla on December 6. The meaning of the painted slogan in Basque language is "long live ETA", in reference to the Basque separatist organization ETA, classified as a terrorist group by Spain, France, the United Kingdom, the United States, Canada and the European Union.

Church of Santa Maria dei Centurelli in Caporciano Vandalised

December 6, 2022, Italy

Signs and writing appeared on the façade of the Church of Santa Maria dei Centurelli, in the municipality of Caporciano. The report was made by the Celestinian Movement, which posted photos showing the vandalism. A graffiti on the wall of the church seems to say "thieves", and the information sign outside the church was also defaced with graffiti. The perpetrators remain unknown. The photos were shared on social media by Massimo Alesii and caused indignation. "A serious, very serious fact happened in Centurelli. The appeal is to the local communities... to raise their eyes to the mountains,' wrote Massimo Alesii.

Church in Campania desecrated with excrement in the holy water fonts

December 4, 2022, Italy

Urine and excrement were found in the two stoups at the entrance to the Church of Sant'Adiutore in Cervinara. This was revealed during Mass on December 4 by the parish priest of Cervinara, Don Renato Trapani. All the churches in Cervinara are also open at night so that those who want to gather in prayer freely at all hours can do so without restrictions. The priest showed his sorrow, inviting those in the know to come forward to shed light on this episode.

Vandalic Attack to the Oldest Church in Madrid

December 3, 2022, Spain

On the night of December 2 to 3, unknown persons defaced the walls of the hermitage of Santa María La Antigua of Carabanchel with graffiti, one of the tags containing the Anarchist Ⓐ and an upside-down cross. This 13th-century Mudéjar temple is the oldest building constructed in Madrid.

Altar cloths set on fire in Bauler church

December 3, 2022, Germany

In the period from December 2 to December 3, 2022, the altar cloths were burnt in the parish church in Bauler, according to the Bitburg police department. The perpetrator or perpetrators, who are as to date unknown, lit all the sacrificial candles and then also the altar cloths, some of which burnt down, causing material damage, according to the police.

Raising concerns over Zelensky's green light to ban the Ukrainian Orthodox Church activities

December 1, 2022, Ukraine

On 1. December Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky announced that he had signed a decision by the National Security and Defense Council of Ukraine (NSDC). The decision instructed the government to submit a bill "on the impossibility of religious organizations affiliated with the centres of influence in the Russian Federation to operate in Ukraine" to the Verkhovna Rada. Although this is a political decision conveyed during a war period, the way it is put into practice could gravely affect religious freedom in the country.

Religious Objects and Valuables Stolen from Church in Treviso

December 1, 2022, Italy

In late November or early December, the Church of 'Santa Maria della Pieve', in Via Borgo Pieve in Castelfranco Veneto, was targeted. Two glass and brass candle holders, various liturgical booklets and votive candles were stolen, while a copper cover and a holy water stoup were partially damaged in an attempt to steal them. Two persons, also linked to other church thefts in the area of Treviso, have been arrested.

Church in Vienna Tagged With Anti-Christian slogan

November 30, 2022, Austria

"No God, No State, No Patriarchy" was sprayed on the walls of the Breitenfeld Church in Vienna in a vandalic attack that took place in late November. An eyewitness sent the picture to OIDAC Europe.