All cases

Vandals Steal Baby Jesus from Church in Florence

December 28, 2022, Italy

On December 28, the surveillance camera showed how unknown suspects stole the statue of the Baby Jesus from the nativity scene. The reports have also mentioned that several young people were hiding the statue of Baby Jesus under their clothes and walking around the city with it. The figure was later found at a restaurant terrace and other acts of vandalism have been investigated previously by the police.

Unknown Persons Riot in Leipzig Church Causing Several Damages

December 27, 2022, Germany

Unidentified person(s) have caused several damages inside the Catholic Provost Church of St Trinitatis in Leipzig. On the 27. December in the afternoon, he rioted in the church, threw various books around and damaged the nativity figures. The damage was estimated at a three-digit amount by the police.

Baby Jesus Figure Stolen in Munich Church

December 26, 2022, Germany

In the Jesuit Church of St. Michael in Munich, the nativity scene has been ruined and an unknown suspect has stolen the statue of the infant baby Jesus. It was reported that the statue about 25 centimetres tall, was stolen on the second day of Christmas. Father Martin Stark has therefore left a note on the empty crib saying "Here lay our baby Jesus, who is part of our historical nativity scene. Unfortunately it got lost on the 2nd day of Christmas. I ask the one, who probably took it, imploringly to return the figure to us!".

Church Set on Fire While Faithful were Celebrating Mass Inside

December 25, 2022, Finland

On the 25. December, while 30 people were celebrating Christmas service in a small wooden church in Rautjärvi, a fire broke out and the faithful had to be quickly evacuated. The historic Evangelical church was completely destroyed by the fire that started at 8.30 am. The criminal commissioner, Mika Salminen said in a press conference that the side doors of the church had been attached with ropes. There is no doubt for the police, that this was a willful attack.

Priest House Broken into and money stolen While He Held Christmas Mass

December 25, 2022, France

While celebrating mass and Christmas Eve in the village of Alsace, burglars entered the Priests' home and stole money. It was said the burglars might have known the time the masses were since it was posted online. Therefore, the theft was already planned beforehand. The amount of the stolen money is unclear, but it was from donations and collections from the church. The 59-year-old has said it was "traumatic" for him and that the investigation is still ongoing.

Break-In and Burglary at Church in Germany

December 25, 2022, Germany

On the 25th of December, the police reported that unknown perpetrators broke into the Christuskirche and burgled the interior. Laptops and bread rolls packages were stolen. The vandals entered the church through a window and by breaking the connected doors.

Vandals Destroy glass pane in the Belmonte Sanctuary

December 22, 2022, Italy

In Valperga, vandals broke a glass pane of the Belmonte sanctuary, as reported on the 22nd of December. Mayor Sandretto commented that a volunteer who takes care of the place has repaired the damage, as he was the one that noticed it. The attack must have been on the days before.

Birmingham charity worker arrested for praying 'in her mind' near an abortion facility

December 20, 2022, United Kingdom

ADF UK reported that a charity volunteer has been arrested and charged with four counts after telling the police that she “might” be praying silently in her mind, after being questioned by them over why she was standing inside an abortion facility’s censorship zone. The arrest and charges took place as authorities consider criminalising prayer near abortion facilities nationwide in the new Public Order Bill.

Church of Norway asked to remove crosses from cemeteries and chapels as Human-Ethical Association finds them 'threatening'

December 19, 2022, Norway

In December 2022, the Church of Norway was asked by the local branch of the Human-Ethical Association (HEF) to remove the crosses on chapels and cemeteries as it finds them to be "threatening". The HEF advocates for more "neutrality" in public space.

Satanic Vandalic Attack on a Church in Golino

December 19, 2022, Switzerland

Between the 18th and 18th of December, unknown vandals tagged the walls of the church of San Giorgio in Golino, Canton of Ticino, with satanic and anarchist symbology in black paint. A complaint has already been made by the parish. The damage was noticed by the sacristan the next morning.