All cases

Filtered by: Country: Germany Timeframe: Last year

Ahlen church closed due to repeated vandalism

March 4, 2024, Germany

Due to repeated vandalism the St Mary church in Ahlen decided to keep its doors shut outside church services. A board on the door indicates: "Currently closed due to vandalism".

Damage to church entrance

March 1, 2024, Germany

On March 1, an unknown perpetrator damaged the staircase in front of the Catholic parish in Waldsee, Germany, rendering it unusable for the public.

Suspected Arson at St Matthews Church

March 1, 2024, Germany

Early on Friday morning, March 1, St Matthews Church in Berlin was the scene of several fires. The police suspect arson.

Prayer Gathering in Frankfurt attacked

March 1, 2024, Germany

A prayer gathering conducted by "40 days for life" outside an abortion clinic was violently disrupted and the participants were threatened by a group of activists.

Arson in Carlsberg Church of the Holy Cross

February 26, 2024, Germany

On February 26, the confessional in the Catholic Church of the Holy Cross was destroyed in a fire. According to the investigating authorities, a statue of a saint and a storage room were also damaged. A fire expert ruled out a technical defect on Friday, March 1, so the criminal investigation department in Neustadt is assuming arson.

Vandalism at the Dreieichenhain castle church

February 20, 2024, Germany

Unknown people damaged the church on the Dreieichenhain castle grounds. According to the police's initial assessment, the historic side door was forced open with brute force. At the same time, the perpetrators broke a window to the right of the main entrance. This is not the first time there has been vanalism to the church.

Pauluskirche painted with "Allahu Akbar"

February 20, 2024, Germany

Shortly after an anti-AfD (Alternative for Germany Party) demo took place on the forecourt, “Allahu Akbar” was daubed in Arabic script on the Protestant Pauluskirche in Hamm, Germany. In response to a news inquiry, the Hamm police confirmed the graffiti on February 20. However, no information can yet be provided about the perpetrator's profile. The investigation is ongoing.

Taxi Driver Fined for Displaying Bible Verse

February 20, 2024, Germany

A taxi driver from the German town of Essen was fined for displaying a small Bible verse sticker on the rear window of his car. The city authorities claim that the Bible verse constitutes "religious advertising", which is illegal on taxis which are regarded as part of the public transport.

Arson to St. Lambertus Church in Kalterherberg

February 18, 2024, Germany

Unknown perpetrators set fire to the parish church of St. Lambertus in Kalterherberg on Sunday. In the rear area of ​​the interior of the church, prayer books, a shelf with parish letters and sheets from the Book of the Dead were set on fire in front of the wall with the memorial plaques. Opposite, at the Marian altar, the burning memorial lights were thrown down and artificial flowers were also lit.

Vandalism to St. Martinus Church

February 17, 2024, Germany

Unknown perpetrators spray painted the St. Martinus Church door with "666", "shame" and a swastika symbols in white paint. Police are currently investigating.

Attempted Break In leaves 2,000 euros of damage

February 16, 2024, Germany

A unknown perpetrator tried to break a window of the Catholic Mariä Himmelfahrt parish church to presumably get into the building. Awakened by the noise, the priest who lived in the house discovered the attempted break-in and spoke to the unknown person, whereupon he immediately fled on foot towards the train station.

Fire set repeatedly in front of St. Bartholomäus church

February 12, 2024, Germany

Fire was set repeatedly in the outdoor area of St. Bartholomäus church in Götzingen. Further, the unknown perpetrators stole, among other things, prayer flyers and sacrificial candles from inside the prayer house and set them on fire on the stairs to the sacristy.

Rioters caused damage in church of St. Ägidius

February 11, 2024, Germany

Unknown people rioted in the St. Ägidius Church in Grafing. Several prayer books were thrown to the ground, the microphones at the altar were tampered with and an elaborately decorated Easter candle was broken. The material damage is estimated at around 300 euros. The police are currently investigating.

St. Ägidius Church Vandalised

February 11, 2024, Germany

During the night between February 10 and 11, unknown perpetrators vandalized the church of St. Ägidius in Grafing. Several prayer books were thrown to the floor, the microphones on the altar were tampered with and an elaborately decorated Easter candle was broken. The material damage is estimated at around 300 euros.

1,000 euros of property damage to Eiterfeld Church

February 8, 2024, Germany

Unknown persons went into the St. Franziskus-Xaverius Churchin Eiterfeld and broke open a wooden interior door. “According to current information, nothing was stolen,” the police said. However, the property damage amount to around 1,000 euros.

Window of Dettelbach church smashed

February 7, 2024, Germany

Between February 6 and 7 a window of Dettelbach church, which is located on a pilgrimage route, was smashed. According to a police report the perpetrator climbed the scaffolding in order to do this. The damage is estimated around 500 euros.

St. Joseph Church in Schalke Vandalised

February 4, 2024, Germany

In the course of a series of vandalism attacks, the St. Joseph Church in Schalke has also been targeted. The perpetrators threw projectiles through the stained windows destroying four windows, breaking a door and two gates.

Vandalism at the Sacred Heart Church

January 31, 2024, Germany

On January 31, unknown perpetrators entered the Sacred Heart Church in Sorghof, Germany and used candles to burn a hole in the upholstery of a prayer stool. Further, they also destroyed the reading glasses the church had kept there for a churchgoer.

Man turns himself in after spray painting satanist symbols on church

January 31, 2024, Germany

A man 32 hands himself into the police after going on a vandalism spree around Markt Schwaben. Spray painting the town hall and elementary school with anti-police and Nazi messages before then painting satanist symbols on a chapel and St. Margaret's Church.

Suspected Arson Attack at St. Walpurgis Church

January 30, 2024, Germany

A fire broke out in the altar area of St. Walpurgis Church burning, among other things, the nativity scene. The fire caused damage of estimated 50,000 euros. Investigators have ruled out a technical defect and are assuming arson.