ACN Religious Freedom Report 2014: Germany „Worrying”

The Aid to the Church in Need Religious Freedom Report 2014 states inter alia about Germany: "On the legal level, however, through a number of incursions in the area of religious freedom, the German High Court appears by its judgements to be attempting to limit the existence of “parallel societies” – among which it explicitly cites home schooling, the system of home education chosen in preference by numerous Christian families, who are not willing to entrust the education of their own children to the civil authorities." "Among the limitations on the public expression of religious freedom, and indeed on freedom of expression altogether, one could moreover point to the ban on protesting against abortion in the vicinity of the hospitals and clinics within the territory of the cities of Freiburg and Munich, in Bavaria, and even on offering alternatives to abortion to pregnant women. These limitations are the consequence of court verdicts, although the legal battle is still ongoing and there is hope for success for some of the submissions presented by pro-life organisations".
Observatory’s Summary of the Report:

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