President of European Bishops Conferences Deplores Anti-Christian Developments in Europe
Cardinal Peter Erdö speaks of wrong presentations of and a "a spreading of ignorance about the Christian faith", being "accompanied by repeated juridical, as well as physical, attacks against the visible presence of the manifestations of faith". This is also due to the fact that human rights "no longer have a clear connection with the human and Christian view".
H. Em. Rev. Card. Péter ERDÕ, Archbishop of Esztergom-Budapest, President of the Episcopal Conference, President of the Council of European Episcopal Conferences (C.C.E.E.) (HUNGARY) said on October 9th, at the Synod on the New Evangelisation:„Among the worrisome signals, the great Pontiff mentioned "the loss of Europe's Christian memory and heritage" (Ecclesia in Europa, 7). This process has even become more obvious during the last years. Despite many joyful experiences, in the majority of the continent, there is a spreading of ignorance about the Christian faith. Many of the mass-media broadcast a presentation of the Christian faith and history that is full of lies, misinforming the public as to the content of our faith as well as to what makes up the reality of the Church.“ „De-Christianization is accompanied by repeated juridical, as well as physical, attacks against the visible presence of the manifestations of faith. Among the troubling signs of systematic hostility, the European Observatory on Intolerance against Christians has noted many cases of discrimination and violence against Christians in almost all European countries. It often occurs that even the courts refuse to help the Christian victims of these attacks.“
„De-Christianization is not only a spontaneous process. If the Apostolic Exhortation "Ecclesia in Europa" could still welcome "with satisfaction all that has been done to safeguard the conditions and ways to respect human rights" (no. 12), today we must acknowledge with concern the rise of so-called "third and fourth generation human rights". They no longer have a clear connection with the human and Christian view of the world nor even with the objective morality expressed in the categories of natural law. Thus their basis is only of a human-positive order, as if man with his own opinions and desires is independent also with respect to reality itself. The "loss of Europe's Christian memory" goes step by step with the anthropological changes that are the consequence of an audio-visual culture, but which weaken clear concepts and logical reasoning.“ Read the entire text here: Further information: