Journalist: " Respect for Islam, no Respect for Christianity"
The committee of the carnival parade in Cologne had presented a caricature of the Paris incident of the Islamic attack in the "Charlie Hebdo" editorial office as a leading theme for this year's carnival. The cartoon did not directly refer to Islam, however after discussions it was withdrawn. At the same time, the carnival is expected to contain excessive mocking of Christians. A journalist of "Die Welt" points out these double standards.
In the defense of freedom of expression as the leading motive of the Cologne carnival parade, its organizers had decided to present a cartoon which caricatures the terrorist incident in Paris, where Islamic fanatics attacked the "Charlie Hebdo" editorial team. The magazine is well-known for its controversial and sometimes religiously offensive cartoons. The presented cartoon shows a journalist clown with a dove in the background, which defends himself against an armed terrorist using a pencil. Although the context of the caricature is clear, there is no mention of Islam. After a public debate, the carnival comittee decided to avoid any reference to Islam, even if only implicit, and as a result the theme was withdrawn. At the same time, as every year, Christianity is expected to be seriously mocked by participants' clothing and conduct. For this reason, German journalist Hildegard Stausberg of "Die Welt" pointed out in her article "Respekt vor dem Islam, respektlos beim Christentum": "Es ist eindeutig, dass das Festkomitee aus Angst vor möglichen Anschlägen nun den "Charlie Hebdo"-Wagen ausgemustert hat: Die Helden mutierten zu mutlosen Bettvorlegern. Ob man nun für oder gegen dieses Einknicken ist – es zeigt eine bundesdeutsche Wirklichkeit: Im Zug werden Tausende als katholische Nonnen und als Priester verkleidete "Jecken" mitgehen, letztere meist sogar mit einem Kreuz auf der Brust. Berührt diese Verhöhnung unserer eigenen religiösen Traditionen niemanden mehr?"(In English: "It is clear that the festival committee has now freed itself from fear of possible attacks from the "Charlie Hebdo" bandwagon: The heroes mutated into depressed bedside rugs. Whether one is for or against this buckling - it shows the reality of Western Germany: thousands of people march in the carnival disguised as Catholic nuns and priests, even with crosses on their chests, and are seen as "clowns". Is anyone touched by this mockery of our own religious traditions anymore?")
Sources: (Hildegard Stausberg, Die Welt, 22nd of January, 2015, Respekt vor dem Islam, respektlos beim Christentum)