All cases

Church in Vienna Vandalised

November 18, 2013, Austria

In the church Our Lady of the Martyrs in Vienna's 15th district, candle holders were stolen and a cross was vandalised.

Offensive Graffiti on Walls of Catholic College

November 17, 2013, France

The outside walls of St. Mary’s College, a private Catholic institution in Lyon, France, were covered with offensive insults. The spray painters are probably members of a left wing "Antifa” group.

Vandalism and Theft in Shrine in Mirano

November 16, 2013, Italy

The Madonna of a shrine at the intersection of two streets in Mirano was destroyed. On the same day, the statue of St. Anthony was stolen as well.

Death Threat Against Catholic Priest Upon Marriage Referendum Endorsement

November 15, 2013, Croatia

Don Damir Stojić, a Croatian Salesian priest, released a youtube video explaining on the basis of John Paul II's theology of the body why Croatians should support the pro-marriage referendum taking place on December 1st. A youtube user commented with swear words and called on the public to kill Don Damir.

Theft in Church in Rieti

November 14, 2013, Italy

The monstrance and relic of St Anthony was stolen from the Church of St. Francis in Rieti.

Explosives Thrown at Church Door in Italy

November 14, 2013, Italy

The newly renovated Church of San Donato (LU) was damaged when a lady threw Molotov cocktails against the door of the church. The village had just raised 40,000 Euro to have the church renovated.

Figurine Shows Madonna Defecating

November 14, 2013, Spain

The Spanish company Caganer developed a caganer figurine (a “crapper”, see below) in the image of the Virgin of Montserrat. The Tarraconense Episcopal Conference expressed their “deep regret” that an image of such a beloved religious symbol should be portrayed in such a way. As well, Fr. Ignasi Fossas, prior of Montserrat, declares that such a representation of the Virgin Mary is in bad taste.

Cross on News Presenter's Neck Forbidden on Offending Islam Claims

November 12, 2013, Norway

Siv Kristin Sællmann, one of the best-known news presenters of the Norwegian television was forbidden to wear a small cross around her neck on air in order not to insult Islam.

Video of Sexual Act with Cross Hurts Feelings of Believers

November 8, 2013, Poland

An exhibition in the Museum of Contemporary Art in Warsaw displayed a video "Veneration of Christ" in which the artist rubs himself in a blasphemous way against a crucifix, imitating a sexual relationship. The exhibition was showing from September to November 2013. The artist Jacek Markiewicz claims that it was not his wish to vilify any religious feelings. By his own statements he is a non-believer. Cardinal Kazimierz Nycz of Warsaw calls the video a "desecration of the Cross" that exceeds the boundaries of artistic expression and basic ethical standards".

Church Vandalised Causing Considerable Material Damage

November 7, 2013, Germany

St. Peter’s Church in Waltrop, Germany was broken into. The door to the sacristy was broken and the interior ransacked. The Police and Crime investigators were at the scene and a report was made.