All cases

Christian concert attacked in Bonn

June 9, 2024, Germany

On June 9, during a concert inside a church at Bonn's Hofgarten, an unknown person threw a stone from outside, smashing a window and injuring a 55 year old musician. There were around 80 artists performing in the classical concert by Johann Sebastian Bach, St. John's passion "Open heaven for me".

Cross in Lubartów Defaced

June 8, 2024, Poland

On 8th June, a cross on a street in Lubartów with the figure of Jesus was found spray-painted with swastikas. The face of the statue was also smeared with white paint. On a bench nearby, graffiti containing "Slava Ukraine JP" was spray-painted.

Christian pro-life association attacked for 13th time in three years

June 6, 2024, Italy

The headquarters of the Italian Christian pro-life association Pro Vita & Famiglia in Rome was attacked on June 6. A female protestor, a cameraman of an Italian news channel and a candidate for the European Parliament pasted a pro-abortion poster on the building and refused to leave until the police arrived. This had been the 13th attack on this organisation in three years and third only that month.

Fire and theft in Walldürn

June 6, 2024, Germany

On June 6, unknown perpetrators entered the protestant church on Schachleiterstrasse in Walldürn and broke open the donation box. They not only emptied the money but also a statue of Christ was found damaged by fire near the groin.

Man sentenced for series of arsons in Pau

June 5, 2024, France

On June 5, Fataharhman Awad Allah Abdalkrem, a political refugee, was sentenced to 10 years of imprisonment for a series of arson attacks in Pau between March and May 2022. He had caused fire to the chaplaincy of the Saint-Pierre Church, from which he also stole a cash box containing 300 euros and a computer.

Arson attempt in Tyumen

June 3, 2024, Russia

On June 3, a 43-year-old man tried to set fire on the Dmitry Donskoy Church Tyumen. He threw incendiary mixtures and fled on his bicycle, as filmed by an eyewitness. The police have now detained the man. The motives are still unknown.

Vandals urinate into the holy water fountain of Strasbourg church

May 31, 2024, France

On the morning of May 31, the priest of Saint-Maurice Church in Strasbourg observed that some people had urinated into the holy water fountain near the entrance. This is not the first incident in this church. There have been a series of thefts and other incivilites over several months.

Vandalism of Chapel in Tawern

May 31, 2024, Germany

On May 31, unknown perpetrators knocked down two historical statues of saints and the Stations of the Cross in Margarethen Chapel Tawern causing severe damage. The head of the statue of Peter was broken and three reliefs of the Stations of the Cross were torn down from the wall.

Scotland: Most extreme buffer zone law passes first stage

May 30, 2024, United Kingdom

The Scottish draft legislation on abortion "buffer zones", which was passed at first stage on April 30, has sparked a debate on the criminalisation of silent prayer in these zones. This bill proposes the creation of a zone extending to 200 meters around abortion clinics in which "influencing" someone in regard to abortion would be illegal. In a parliament debate MSP Jeremy Balfour asked if he would be criminalised for praying at a bus stop inside the zone. He tabled an amendment seeking to exclude silent prayer from the criminal actions within the zone. MSP Gillian Mackay who introduced the Bill responded to Mr Balfour by saying: "If nobody knows someone is praying, and nothing in their conduct is capable of having the effects on women or staff that this Bill seeks to prevent, then it is unlikely that any offence could be committed. If someone stands silently praying for a long time, deliberately looking at women accessing an abortion clinic, or for example with a sign, then they may be committing an offence."

Fire in Pagnano Church

May 30, 2024, Italy

On May 30, a fire broke out in the church of San Giorgio in Pagnano. Fortunately, the damage is minimal, since the fire which had started from a wooden candle holder was immediately extinguished. While the cause of the fire is currently unknown the priest suspects that someone had deliberately started the fire, since the candle holder was only used to store unlit candles and it was empty. Also, no signs of melted wax were found.