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Pro-Life Manifestation Attacked, One Hospitalised

December 11, 2010, Austria

Peaceful protest of Catholic Youth pro-life Group "Jugend für das Leben“ violently attacked by pro-choice forces. Member hospitalised with concussion.

List of Attacks Against Christian Sexual Orientation Group

December 10, 2010, Germany

At a meeting on Freedom of Religion of OSCE/ODIHR in Vienna on Dec 9 and 10, the spokesperson of Wüstenstrom, a Christian NGO representing people with unwanted same-sex attractions, summarized a series of intolerance and attacks against them and their work. Find here the full text of his intervention.

A Church Vandalised in Gourin, Brittany

December 5, 2010, France

A man destroyed much of the furniture of the Church of Gourin, probably on Sunday, December 5th in the afternoon. Benches, the harmonium, flower pots but also the altar, the tabernacle and stain glass windows were the targets.

Mental Health Worker Threatened With Sack After Sharing Opinions About Post-Abortion Syndrome

December 1, 2010, United Kingdom

Christian Mental Health worker suspended after talking to colleague informally about abortion risks and told „never to do this again“ and reinstated only several weeks later.

Activists Force Spanish Cardinal to Cancel Lecture

December 1, 2010, Spain

Radical groups forced the Archdiocese of Madrid to cancel a speech of Cardinal Antonio Maria Rouco Varela scheduled to be held at the Autonomous University of Madrid.

Harsh Persecution of Muslims Converted to Christianity

December 1, 2010, United Kingdom

In Great Britain many converts from Islam to Christianity are forced to worship in secret at the risk of their own lives according to the report of the French Internet Portal “Observatoire de l’islamisation” which resulted in a report broadcasted 2010 on British TV.

Conservative Party Councillor Gets Suspended After Objecting Gay Talks in a School

November 25, 2010, United Kingdom

A conservative party councillor in Bristol has been “voluntarily suspended” and asked by the party to meet with homosexualist activists after he objected to appearances by a homosexualist campaigner and actor, Sir Ian McKellen, at local schools.

Public Funds Used in Campaign Against Catholic Church

November 25, 2010, Spain

Government funded atheist forum at the occasion of the Pope's visit to Barcelona concludes that "there was an increase of conflicts with a religious background, religious leaders used faith to subjugate the world, religious hierarchy attacked democracy, and religion restricted the exercise of freedom of conscience."

"Santo Ángel" School in Albacete Reported For Offering Students the Opportunity to Pray

November 22, 2010, Spain

A small group of parents of Santo Angel School reported the School’s Catholic Center to the Ministry of Education of Murcia for "radical ideas” for organizing an optional weekly praying hour.

Catholic School Fined For Not Hiring a Protestant Teacher

November 12, 2010, Ireland

A Catholic national school found guilty of ''discrimination'' by Equality Tribunal and fined more than €12,000 for not hiring a Protestant teacher.