All cases

Perpetrator Broke Windows of Oerlinghausen-Helpup Church

March 16, 2020, Germany

In the night between Monday 16th and Tuesday 17th, an unknown person broke two windows of the church in Oerlinghausen-Helpup. The police are investigating.

Conversion Therapy Now iIlegal In Germany

March 16, 2020, Germany

A new law was proposed from the Christian Democrats in February 2020 that prohibits conversion therapy defined as "all therapy carried out on human beings which are aimed at changing or suppressing sexual orientation of self-perceived gender identity". The law is already in use since June 2020.

Arson in the church of Saint-Apollinaire

March 16, 2020, France

On the 18th March, the Church of Saint-Apollinaire in Meximieux was set on fire. The parish priest used the Facebook page of the parish to report the incident. Unknown vandals set fire to the press table at the back of the collegiate church. The parish priest filled a complain and the perpetrators got quickly arrested.

Graffiti Sprayed on Göttschied Church Walls

March 15, 2020, Germany

During the night between March 15th and March 16th unknown perpetrators sprayed graffiti on the walls of the Protestant Abteikirche in Göttschied (Idar-Oberstein). Police are investigating

Theft In Protestant Church

March 15, 2020, Germany

On Sunday March 15th, unknown perpetrators broke into the church in the Breitsitterstraße and broke a window and stole 15 euros and five confirmation candles. The damage amounts to 500 euros.

Armenian Genocide Memorial Desecrated

March 15, 2020, France

The Armenian Genocide Memorial in Lyon, consisting of 36 columns with inscriptions of poems from Gostan Zarian, was vandalized with anarchist and anti-Macron slogans. The monument is in memory of the 500 000 Armenians who were murdered by the "Young Turks" government. This criminal act is a serious offense against the victims and the humanity. The Coordinating Council of Armenian Organizations in France called for a surveillance system to prevent any recurrence. The police are investigating and looking for the perpetrators.

Church Set on Fire by 3 Children

March 15, 2020, Germany

An attentive witness told the police that he discovered a burning flyer on a wooden bench in the church. The witness managed to successfully extinguish it. Three children, aged between 12 and 13 years, are suspected to be the arsonists. They were subsequently handed over to their respective legal guardians. Police Kelheim does not yet have any concrete information about the damage caused.

Break In and Damage at Church in Meerane

March 14, 2020, Germany

Between March 14th and March 21th unknown perpetrators broke into the church am Rotenberg in Meerane. Interestingly nothing was stolen, nevertheless the caused damage amounts to 1000 euros.

Arson At Notre-Dame-Souverainaine-Du-Monde Church

March 13, 2020, France

An arson was committed at the entrance of the church of Notre-Dame-Souverainaine-Du-Monde in France by two young people. They started the fire with petrol before fleeing the crime scene. Neighbours instantly extinguished the fire, which led to minor damage.

Vandalism and Arson In Acquate Church

March 13, 2020, Italy

On March the 14th, the glass of the front door of the church of Acquate in Italy was found broken and the wooden part burned. The perpetrators also knocked an information pillar for tourists on the churchyard over.