Two teenagers have been arrested on suspicion of causing more than £15,000 of damage to the Grade II listed St Margaret's Church in Bowers Gifford on 24 November. It was the second time in a month that the church had been vandalised.
Unknown persons threw several burning strips of paper into the basement of the Walldorf church.
A statue of Mary outside the local cemetery in Pievesestina, Cesena, has been smashed to pieces.
Unknown people entered the church of Santa Maria al Soccorso during Sunday mass and sprayed a pungent substance with pepper spray. The parish priest had to interrupt the service and finish celebrating mass outside. The perpetrators have fled.
A Catholic priest in Poland succumbed to serious injuries in the hospital on November 9 - six days after the physical attack in his parish of St. Albert by the 27-year-old man from Szczytno. The male suspect in this case is in custody, charged with attempted murder. The clergyman was attacked for the purpose of a robbery.
On November 8, a Tablecloth in the evangelical Church "Am Glockenhof" was set on fire in the afternoon. The fire burned the tablecloth and the diary on it. The damage caused is approximately 80 euros.
The churches of Truyes and Lignières-de-Touraine were desecrated and consecrated hosts were stolen. Four other churches in the diocese of Tours suffered identical events in the same week.
On the night of November 7, vandals broke a statue of Christ on the missionary cross in front of the church in Tarnow-Klikowa, into small pieces. Also, the statue's head was stolen. The parish priest and the faithful are convinced that it was a deliberate act of desecration.
A nun was brutally attacked near Largo di Torre Argentina in Rome on 4 November. The nun was violently punched and slapped in the face after trying to push away the attacker, who had approached the tabernacle in a suspicious manner.
On 3 November, an unknown person set fire to objects inside the Twelve Apostles Church in Mannheim, spreading to the carpet and a wooden table. The fire was extinguished before it spread further into the church building.