All cases

EU High Representative Lady Ashton Deems Condemnation of Christian Persecution Politically Incorrect

January 31, 2011, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

EU Foreign Ministers rejected a draft resolution condemning the atrocities against Christian minorities in Egypt and Iraq, as they could not agree on the word ‘Christian’ in their draft statement in an effort to remain "politically correct."

Religion Teacher Forced to Remove a Crucifix and an Icon

January 30, 2011, Spain

A Catholic religion teacher was forced to remove a cross and an icon from a wall of a shared office in a secondary school in Zújar, Spain because two teachers said they were "offended" by them.

Christian Pro Life Activist Sentenced for Expressing His Opinion

January 25, 2011, Germany

Mr. Günther Annen demonstrated in front of the abortion clinic of Dr. Karl-Heinz Jordan twice in August 2010, displaying a sign which said: „Why does Dr. Karl-Heinz Jordan kill unborn children?“ He was sentenced for insult to a penalty of 1500 € by the Darnstadt public prosecutor's office on Jan. 25, 2011.

European Parliament Attacks Lithuanian Legislative Proposal Curbing Homosexualist Propaganda

January 19, 2011, European Institutions (EU, ECHR,

The European Parliament has issued a condemnation of a Lithuanian bill that seeks to prohibit the “public promotion of homosexual relations.” The bill proposes fines of between €580 and €2,900; it has not yet been passed by the Plenary of the Lithuanian Parliament and is still under review.

Stoning of a Church

January 17, 2011, Bosnia and Herzegovina

On January 17th, 2011, the church of Blagan-Buna (Mostar) was attacked with stones and its windows crashed.

Church Partially Burned, Religious Symbols Put on Fire

January 16, 2011, France

A Christian Church building in Hérouville-Saint-Clair, the outskirts of Caen, was vandalized at about 6 am on a Sunday morning. The Church of St. Francis, partially burned, cannot not accommodate the faithful until rebuild.

Vandalism at St. Barbara's in Peißenberg

January 13, 2011, Germany

A group of teenagers was causing great damage in the parish church of St. Barbara in Peißenberg over a longer period of time. They tossed down lamps, lit numerous candles and burnt death cards, rumpled altar cloths and stuffed them into the holy water vessel; they threw altar candles around in the church, and wrote with chalk on the church’s door. The sacristan had to dump 40 liters of holy water twice, and clean the distribution vessel, in which the youth had urinated.

Pope Mocked in Controversial Cartoon

January 10, 2011, Italy

A satirical cartoon depicting Pope Benedict XVI was shown in Italy’s public television RAI2. In the cartoon, the Pope says about Silvio Berlusconi since he “likes minors, he can always become a priest”. This caused quite an uproar as it was considered as defamatory.

Threats by Islamists against Coptic Churches in Europe

January 6, 2011, International

Christian Copts in Europe, particularly in France, Germany, the Netherlands, and Italy, celebrated Christmas on January 6th under special police protection.

Church Shattered and Partially Burned

January 1, 2011, France

On Saturday January 1st between 12 a.m. and 3 p.m. the church of Montfermeil was severely damaged and partially burned. According to sources, a group of individuals forced and broke the door to the place of worship with the help of a car. They then set fire to a bunch of paper that was inside the church. Thus, three additional rooms, including the room used for worship of children, were damaged and must now be rebuilt.