All cases

Church Desecrated in Echillais

July 18, 2010, France

On Monday July 21st, the sacristan of the medieval church of Echillais discovered that the church had be stained, desecrated and that the vandals had probably entered in it with there scooters.

Street Dedicated to Anti-Christian War Criminal

July 7, 2010, Spain

The City of Santa Pau in Girona dedicated a street to the former mayor Joan Pinsach, who commanded the execution of priests in 1936 during the Civil War, as approved by mayor Esther Badosa.

Lower House of Irish Government Passes Civil Partnership Bill

July 5, 2010, Ireland

Lead politicians backing the bill refuse to allow a conscience clause; opposition parties claim that the objections of Christians are being ignored.

Playboy Magazine Displays Photos of Jesus Christ With Topless Models

July 1, 2010, Portugal

Playboy’s Portuguese edition after it publishes photos depicting Jesus Christ among topless Playboy models, allegedly in a tribute to author Jose Sarmago.

100,000 Euro Fine For Christian Broadcaster

July 1, 2010, Spain

Spain's government fined the Christian television network 100,000 euros for running a series of advertisements in favor of the family and opposing homosexual lifestyle.

Police Raid Office of Catholic Church Officials

June 24, 2010, Belgium

Belgian officials search the offices of the Catholic Church in Belgium. The raid has been condemned by the Pope and investigation is underway to determine its lawfulness.

English Footballer Prevented From Mentioning Religion

June 17, 2010, International

A Football Association official prevented a prominent footballer for England’s World Cup team from talking about his Christian faith to reporters during a press conference.

Case Against Turkish Christians Ongoing Despite Lack of Evidence

June 11, 2010, Turkey

Turkish attorneys now in fourth year of prosecuting two Christians for allegedly slandering Islam; despite the lack of any concrete evidence to support their claims, Turkish courts are continuing prosecution.

Police Tell Christian that it’s a Crime to Say Homosexuality is a Sin

June 8, 2010, United Kingdom

A moderate Christian preacher, Andy Robertson, was wrongly told by a police officer Gainsborough, Lincolnshire that it is a crime to publicly express the religious belief that homosexual conduct is sinful.

Christianity Marginalised in Religious Education Courses in English Schools

June 6, 2010, United Kingdom

English schools failing to teach pupils about basic Christian beliefs in religious education lessons, according to a new report by education “watchdog”, Ofsted.