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Filtered by: Intolerance towards Religious Symbols

(Scotland) Word "Lord" Removed from Prayer as Offensive

November 15, 2007, United Kingdom

The word "Lord" was removed from a primary school grace before meals after one parent complained the mention was offensive. Contrary complaints of other parents lead to a subsequent reinstatement of the term.

Blasphemous Images in Weekly Magazine

November 13, 2007, Belgium

"Humo", a Belgian Dutch-speaking weekly that is known for its liberal and satirical opinions, published a representation of a man urinating in a chalice with the accompanying text: "And Jesus changed wine into urine". Our sources report that this was not the first time "Humo" published blasphemous representations.

Report of Think Tank Suggests to Downgrade Christmas

November 1, 2007, United Kingdom

Christmas should be downgraded in favour of festivals from other religions to improve race relations, says a report of the Institute for Public Policy Research, a Labour Think Tank.

Ringing of Church Bells Prohibited

November 1, 2007, Netherlands

Local authorities prohibited the ringing of church bells for noise reasons in Tilburg, Holland. A court verdict annihilated the decision in November.

Catholic Airport Worker Suspended for Displaying a Picture of Jesus

October 10, 2007, United Kingdom

Manchester, England - A Catholic airport worker was suspended for displaying an image of Jesus on a staff room wall after a Muslim colleague made a complaint against him.

Blasphemous and Hurtful Art Funded by and Displayed on Ibiza

September 30, 2007, Spain

The art exhibition "Vamos a Ibiza" (Let's go to Ibiza) by artist Ivo Hendriks shows John Paul II having passive homosexual sex, and Jesus Christ on the way of the cross while a character – half man, half woman - holds a penis to his mouth. The exhibition was authorized and funded by the Ibiza local authorities, and it took place inside the former L'Hospitalet church.

Defaming Art Funded by and Displayed in Madrid

September 26, 2007, Spain

Madrid City Hall and Madrid Community co-sponsored a comic exhibition which shows the Pope consuming pornography, having sex with nuns, and sheep, produced by Italian artist Federico Solmi. Madrid’s mayor Alberto Ruiz-Gallardón is the chairman of the exhibition. The general coordinator, Armando Unsaín, said that "it might be possible that the content of the exhibition offended a minority, but no further consideration should be given to the complaints. We live in a democratic society, and the Church has not been unpolluted to deserve no criticisms."

Orthodox Churches Attacked by Molotov Cocktails or Stoned

July 20, 2007, Kosovo

On July 20th, in Kozarac, Bosnia and Herzegovina, the Orthodox Church was stoned and the windows of the church were broken. In another incident on October 19th, a Serbian Orthodox church in Gjilan/Gnjilane, Kosovo was attacked with Molotov cocktails, but the interior of the church was not damaged.

Gay Parade Supporters and Participants Mock Christian Beliefs

June 30, 2007, Spain

Before and during the Gay Pride Parade Christianity was mocked by Spanish actors Pablo Puyol, Carlos Fuentes, Mariola Fuentes and Pepón Nieto who addressed the gay community encouraging them to "do as much as possible to gain eternal damnation", and "to got a step further on the way to hell". Participants wore bishops' outfits and carried anti-Christian signs.

Public Funds for Blasphemous Book

May 31, 2007, Spain

The regional governming authority of Extremadura funded with public funds the book „Sanctorum e In Breedin“ containing photographs displaying pornographic images together with Virgin Mary, Jesus Christ, and other Catholic sacred symbols. St. Roque is shown having an erection while holding his dog; Archangel Gabriel's picture displays the angel in sexual climax; extrements are shown over the chalice in substitution of Holy Communion; Jesus Christ is depicted as a transsexual; San Juan de la Cruz is shown having oral sex; and so on.