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Filtered by: Desecration

(Scotland) Bible Defaced In Art Exhibition

August 11, 2009, United Kingdom

Obscene and offensive messages have been scrawled over a Bible at a taxpayer-funded exhibition in Glasgow.

Basilica Desecrated

May 12, 2009, France

Half a dozen swastikas found tagged on several columns in the basilica of Saint Denis, Paris.

Cemetery Desecrated

April 27, 2009, Italy

On the 27th of April 2009, the cemetery di Vezzo in the Comune della Provincia di Verbano Cusio Ossola was desecrated.

Church Vandalized in Rugles (Normandy)

January 29, 2009, France

The tabernacle was forced opened, the chalice was stolen and some of the hosts were thrown to the ground. The parish priests Florent Babaka and Philippe Besnard reported the incident to the police.

(California) Catholic Church Vandalized by Gays

January 5, 2009, United States

A Catholic Church in San Francisco was vandalized by gays as a response to a public vote on gay marriage

Profanation of Cemeteries

January 1, 2009, France

Several cases are reported on profanations of cemeteries as well as desecrations of churches and Christian holy objects in France.

Overview of 266 Cases of Anti-Christian Vandalism in 2008

December 31, 2008, France

According to the French Internal Affairs Department 266 acts of vandalism targeted Christian sites in 2008. Please find a list of examples here.

Fire Set in Catholic Church

December 11, 2008, Belgium

A Greek-Melkite parish was set on fire the night of Friday 12 December. Pastor could quickly contain and limit the damage.

(Michigan) Gays Storm Church

November 12, 2008, United States

A band of about 30 gays stormed a church in Lansing, Michigan. shouting “Jesus was a homo”, etc. The church was vandalized, obscenities were shouted and worshippers were confronted.

(Internet) Host Desecration Videos Online

September 30, 2008, International

Several videos have been put online showing the Eucharistic Host, most sacred for Catholics, being desecrated by being stepped on, burned, stapled, smoked and nailed to a stick. After severe protests, YouTube removed the videos on Oct 2nd.